Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Congress Passes Fill-In Spending Bill

The article, Congress passes fill-in spending bill; government shutdown averted for now, was a very interesting link that I read today and would like to share with my class. On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011, Congress was able to push $4 billion in spending cuts by passing a bill proposed by the Republicans. In this bill many groups and programs whom were anticipating money were affected by these cuts such as Planned Parenthood, college aid, and the police and fire departments.

The reason I found this article so interesting is because I do believe that Obama has proposed all these ideas and projects since he's become President, which involve billions of dollars that we as the USA, simply just don't have! Spending cuts must be made or else we may just consider ourselves as a nation, in debt for life. Please feel free to read the article I've shared and let me know what you think of the spending cuts.

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